Michelob Ultra Large Tap Handle


20 in stock

Michelob Ultra Large Tap Handle.  All wood white Michelob Ultra Tap Handle Featuring the Michelob Ultra logo on both sides with Michelob Utra screened with red ribbon.  The sides are have red stripes. This tap handle screws easily on to keg-orator system.  Weighs less than 1 lb.  Approximately 12.0″ x 2.5″.

20 in stock


Do You Know What You’re Doing?
Did you know the way you grab your Michelob Ultra Large Tap Handle has a direct effect on how your beer pours? Newbies end up screwing up the beer the first few times they pour beer, so here let me help you save it! When you grab the tap handle don’t make the mistake of grabbing the beer tap handle from the top and pulling it forward with a jerking action! Doing this could not only break your tap handle but can agitate your beer as well making it pour out foamy. What you need to be doing is grab the handle is from the bottom with two fingers (index and middle finger) and pull the handle toward you in one smooth motion and close the faucet in the same manner. Smooth handling makes for smooth beer.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 lbs
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