Founders Brewing Co. Logo Metal Sign


5 in stock

Founders Brewing Co. Logo Metal Sign features a yellow, black, red, and white color scheme. The sign is in an oval shape. The background is black and has a thick red border around the outside. Founders is written in bold yellow lettering and outlined in red. Brewing Co. Since 1997 is below it in white. Brewed For Us Grand Rapids, Michigan is around the outside border in white.

5 in stock


Where Should I Put This Metal Sign?
Founders Brewing Co. Logo Metal Sign. Measures 20″ x 15″. With that being said, you have a better idea of where it could fit. It’s honestly not that big of a sign so it would be sure to fit in just about any spot you want. There are four holes, one in each corner to make for easy hanging. That is if you want to hang it, but it will stand if you angle it or prop it up against the wall.

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